Leadership in Project Management


This course explains the challenges and issues concerning effective project leadership and how to best meet these challenges. It evaluates various leadership theories and will help project leaders assess their own personal styles; describes motivational approaches and barriers to team performance and the stages of team development. In this course, you will learn how to best resolve conflicts and manage agreement, and how to enhance communications effectiveness.

You will develop the necessary skills to get the maximum performance from every member of the team, know how to apply the methods of leadership that are most appropriate for achieving project success, and discover which forms of leadership and communication are best suited to the various stakeholders.  You will learn techniques for resolving conflict, managing team issues, and gain a solid understanding in analyzing stages of team development and maximizing project team effectiveness.


The course has a duration of three weeks. Each week, students will work on the activities and exercises required to meet the learning objectives. Participants require an average of one hour per day to complete the assigned activities. At the end of this course, participants will understand leadership theories and learn the key leadership skills, evaluate different motivational approaches, identify the techniques for resolving conflict and managing team issues, understand the elements of stakeholder analysis, know the steps to develop a communication plan, and the techniques for effective negotiations.  

This is the perfect course for those new to the role of project manager and for team members who want to develop their skills in leading a project. Course participants include team members, program managers, project supervisors and project managers wishing to increase their skills and knowledge to understand the tools and techniques to manage a project. Participants in our courses come from various parts of the world, and they bring a wealth of experience and knowledge that is shared in the course forums.

Click here to download a copy of the Course Brochure

This course is part of the certification program CDPM (Certified Development Project Manager). For more information about this program, please visit our website  http://www.pm4dev.com/elearn/cdpm.html 

Student Feedback


"This course is a life-transforming one for me as it has brought to light for me the skillful need for effective communication and negotiation in the place of building my leadership career. For me, leadership is the most important in driving success through influencing processes and organizing systems for achieving project goals and meeting my stakeholder’s expectations." Amara Lebbie - Marie Stopes, Sierra Leone

"Even for the experienced Project Manager the courses and materials bring together the latest adaptive methodology and techniques. The course is well laid out and the fellow student participation allows international development professionals the opportunity to network and exchange experiences and knowledge that is unsurpassed. Students get the opportunity to interact with seasoned professionals that have anywhere from 3 to 20 years of field experience. I have yet to find any comparable training programs." Mick Hogan - Independent Consultant, Argentina

"An educative, engaging, interactive and applicable course for persons leading humanitarian teams; wither it is your first time, or you already have loads of experience, you will find this course both interesting and challenging. I enjoyed it, I learned and grow within the course and will recommend this course to anyone wanting to make a difference in humanitarian leadership. James Senesie - Action Contre La Faim, Sierra Leone

"I am fortunate to have enrolled for this course. The LPM  course provides me a springboard to effectively play leading roles as well as work better in project teams. I am particularly pleased with the materials which will serve reference purpose even after the course has come to an end. Thank you PM4Dev!" ~Josephine Obinyan - Global Affairs Canada, Nigeria


Fee information:

The course fee is $150, participants that complete the course successfully will receive a printed certificate mailed at no extra cost. The course fee is due before the start of the course, you can receive a 20% discount if payment is made one week before the course starts. Use the code 20LPM to obtain the 20% discount. We offer additional discounts for groups from development organizations. We will close the registration one day before the start of the course. For other types of payment and if you have any questions, you can contact me at Ana Torrelio, Student Services (ana.torrelio@pm4dev.com)

Reserve your seat in the course. Use the secure form below to start your registration.


This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can have it delivered to your preferred location.

For further inquiries, please contact us at our email: training @pm4dev.com

in 2013, PM4DEV became a PMI Global Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). It means that our courses meet the strict criteria from the largest project management organization of the world, and that increases the value you obtain from learning at PM4DEV. Your investment in learning is secure, and you can be certain that our courses have the quality you expect.


Last modified: Monday, 10 February 2025, 2:20 PM