Our Academy site, that runs the Moodle learning management system, has received an upgrade to the latest version. This upgrade brings many benefits, especially increased ...
Our Academy site, that runs the Moodle learning management system, has received an upgrade to the latest version. This upgrade brings many benefits, especially increased security to ensure your data is safe.
Moodle 4 has been redesigned with a goal of improved usability, navigation, and accessibility. The new look may take a little getting used to, but we do think it is ultimately a more intuitive interface for both teachers and students.
Simplified navigation
The new navigation hierarchy is simplified and shows what is contextually relevant. Access to the most commonly used items is delivered through tabbed navigation, which is consistent site-wide. These improvements reduce cognitive load and allow educators and learners to easily find what they want, when they need it.
An improved course page and rejuvenated dashboard
The course page now clearly displays the relevant information and actions required for each activity, including the description, completion conditions and completion status, relevant activity dates such as when submissions open and close, and restrictions if applicable. Learners can also collapse or expand sections within course pages to focus on particular pieces of content or activities.
A rejuvenated dashboard welcomes the learner and summarizes important tasks within a timeline with clear call to action buttons. The dashboard includes a single view calendar of requirements that learners can import other calendars to or export.
These enhancements allow learners to anticipate deadlines and manage their time more efficiently.
A key improvement in Moodle 4.0 is the addition of a new collapsible and expandable Course Index on the course page, making it easier and quicker for students and educators to find activities and resources or track activity completion.
Another new expandable and collapsible component on the right-hand side of the screen enables teachers to prioritize blocks displaying course-specific updates, information and reminders. Learners can choose to collapse or expand blocks, allowing them to reduce visual clutter and focus on the learning at hand.
Plus, “My Courses” is a new, stand-alone dedicated page that helps educators and learners search, view and quickly navigate between all their courses.
To help new users get started and accelerate their understanding of the platform, Moodle’s updated user tours will orient newcomers to the look and feel of Moodle and provide quick hints on key features and new functionality.